piątek, 4 kwietnia 2008

salwar ka bulanda :D

czyli islamic clothing i co z tego wyniklo.
postanowilam niniejszym wziac sie sieroznie za jakis biznes, a czego mi brakuje?
fajnych ubran z dlugimi rekawami na lato, pieknych i przewiewnych.
w Pl naszej tego nie uswiadczysz, a wiec do dziela!
zobaczymy co z tego wyjdzie.
na razie reklamuje sie u  Wszystkich Krewnych i Znajomych Krolika.
long live banjor bunny guy!

przedwczoraj kazalam dziecku posprzatac pokoj.
maly czlowiek orzekl:
'balagan to moje srodowisko naturalne, a ja jestem zagrozonym gatunkiem'.
takie sa skutki pozwalania na ogladanie animal planet.
10 lat i jaka wyszczekana lol.

so as the time passes by i try to ignore it as much as i can.
thanks to God calendars are simple not to look at.

the day before i told my kid to clean up the mess in her room.
she said 'mess is my natural habitat and i am the endangered specie'.
long live animal planet!  little human,10 years old, and so much to say.

so whatever i think about my life does not matter.

little masjid stories:
a girl called and asked me 'do you know mohammad x'? she actually mentioned the guy's name.
i answered 'no, where is he from?'
she said, very surprised 'Poland, where else?'
a helping question from my side: 'is he Polish then?'
'no, he is Egyptian' the girl told me, her voice sounding as if she thought it was obvious. silly me! no doubt about that.
'where does he live?' i asked another stupid question.
'in Warsaw, where else?'
few words of explanation- i live and work in Lublin, and Lublin is not Warsaw.
and- strangely enough- i do not know every muslim guy in Poland. so i advised the girl to call Warsaw masjid. she expected me to give her the guy's phone number. no really!

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2 komentarze:

Thio pisze...

no prosze jak mozesz nie znac kazdego egipta kalajacego polska ziemie :P mysle ze powinnas

Umm Sakinah pisze...

haha anegdotka z dzieciakami świetna :D czekaj, czekaj, to jak byłaś w żywcu, to sie znamy...ale ja nie mam pojęcia kim możesz byc :D zdradzisz mi? chociaż prywatnie na mailu :P