is there any reason to be unhappy?
no, not from buddhist perspective. which happen to be very useful in everyday life. thanks God somebody taught me this.
so after I made up my mind- I decided to be happy always- outcome was almost instant.
look what I found :)
very very happy to see this :D
anyway- after some timing problems- maja's birthday, Eid, and finally xmas, we decided that my indian trip has to be delayed until the holiday's marathon is over.
first thing is our families comfort, the second, my own comfort. this way we'll save some money as well, as traveling in xmas season is always more expensive.
so I am simplifying things. there is so much to do, so let's see it as a set of goals and focus on achieving them one by one. simple huh? :D
zamierzam dokladnie opisywac co mnie spotyka w zwiazku z moja indianska eskapada. poniewaz rok temu blog nie istnial, a inne zapiski przepadly, porownam sobie oba szalencze wyskoki.
wydalam ponad 100 zl na przyprawy i ryz basmati. taka jest smutna rzeczywistosc fanatyka indyjskiego zarcia. nie da sie bez przypraw a to co mozemy dostac w polskim sklepie to kpina a nie przyprawy. kupowalam kiedys w fabryce smakow- teraz nie polecam nikomu! ostatnia ich przesykla z kardamonem to byla ZENADA- w Indiach cos takiego nadaje sie tylko do smietnika. zobaczymy co bedzie teraz.
3 komentarze:
After the first reading,i was amazed at your writting talent.After the second reading i got confused.
What is the budhizt perspective of being happy?
thanks Lobe :D
as for buddhist approach, they believe that happiness comes from within. even if something bad happened, we think of it as 'bad' because of our subjective reaction.
like- somebody tells you 'you are so stupid'.
there are some ways to deal with it- you could say something back and start a discussion or fight, eventually. at first you think 'how can he/she be so nasty?' then you start to analise these words, the more you think of it the more hurt you feel. so, literally, by thinking about it over and over again you are making yourself unhappy. it's not the words who have so much impact on you. it's your reaction that makes these words hurt you.
buddhist approach is different. when you are being told something like that, you just think of it as a set of sounds. words come- and go. it is your task just to let these words go. do not try to keep them. do not analise them. just let go. hmm another similarity. it's like you were given piece of red hot iron. would you keep it in your hand blaming the iron for your pain, or would you just throw it away immediately?
at the beginning letting go may be hard, because strangely enough we do like to be unhappy, we like being hurt, that is something we know and this is why we feel comfortable in it- it is so familiar. whereas feeling good is so unusual, so strange to us.
like in martix, the movie. at first the machines programmed people to dream nice, happy dreams. but it was a huge mistake because it only made people want to wake up, desperately. something worth to ponder upon ;)
yeah so anyway- it only depends on your reaction to things that happen to you whether you are happy or not. this is basically buddhist approach.
Coming to think about it,this appproach is good.But i dont know if it can work,especially for me.
I will try to put into practice.Thanks for the clarification.Keep writting please.
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